O’Doherty E, and Kerr S. The mental health of people living with HIV in the Asia-…
Category: Presentations
20th International Workshop on Co-morbidities and Adverse Drug Reactions in HIV held on October 13-14, 2018 at New York, USA
Carr A, Kerr S, Richardson R, Ebeling P, Pocock N, Rojas J, Martinez E, Hoy J;…
32nd International Papillomavirus Conference (IPVC 2018) held on October 2-6, 2018 at Sydney, Australia
Rungmaitree S, Gatechompol S, Hansudewechakul R, Dang HLD, Tran DNH, Kerr SJ, and Sohn AH, on…
Australasian Society of HIV Medicine held on September 24-26, 2018 at Sydney, Australia
Siefried KJ, Mao L, Riches S, Kerr S, Rule J, McAllister J, de Wit J, Carr…
22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) held on July 23-27, 2018 at Amsterdam, Netherlands
Acosta RK, White KL, Garner W, Wei X, Andreatta K, Willkom M, Kityo C, Avihingsanon A,…
10th annual International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics held on July 20-21, 2018 at Amsterdam, Netherlands
Singtoroj T, Kerr SJ, Rungmaitree S, Lumbiganon P, Hansudewechakul R, Chokephaibulkit K, Nguyen LV, Gani YM,…
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) 2018 held on March 4-7, 2018 at Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Audsley J, Avihingsanon A, Littlejohn M, Bowden S, Matthews G, Fairley CK, Lewin SR, Sasadeusz J.…
TIMES-iCON2017 held on November 20-21, 2017 at Bangkok, Thailand
Ruengpanyathip C, Phadungphon C, Mayakul T, Ohata PJ. Electronic Health Record for a Research Organization (accepted…
16th European AIDS Conference held on October 25-27, 2017 at Milan, Italy
Han WM, Apornpon T, Hiransuthikul A, Gatechompol S, Kerr SJ, Avihingsanon A, Ruxrungtham K, Phanuphak P,…
9th IAS Conference on HIV Science held on July 23-26, 2017 at Paris, France
Teeraananchai S, Kerr S, Prasitsuebsai W, Do VC, Nguyen LV, Le TPK, Kosalaraksa P, Singtoroj T, Jupimai T,…
9th International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics 2017 held on July 21-22, 2017 at Paris, France
Sohn AH, Chokephaibulkit K, Lumbiganon P, Hansudewechakul R, Gandhi YM, Nguyen LV, Mohamed TAJ, Sethaputra C,…
18th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Antiviral Therapy (formally known as the International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV & Hepatitis Therapy) held on June 14-16, 2017 at Chicago, IL, USA
Dalodom T, Hiransuthikul A, Phupitakphol T, Thammajaruk N, Techatanawat I, Karachot B 2, Sophonphan J, Kukanok…
Society for Clinical Trials 38th Annual Meeting held on May 7-10, 2017 at Liverpool, United Kingdom
Bunupuradah T, Ruengpanyathip C, Phadungphon C, Jummanee Y, Puthanakit T, Ruxrungtham K on behalf of HIV-NAT…
The International Liver Congress 2017 held on April 19-23, 2017 at Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tanwandee T, Chatsiricharoenkul S, Thongsawat S, Sukeepaisarnjaroen W, Tangkijvanich P, Komolmit P, Avihingsanon A, Piratvisuth T,…
26th Conference of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL) held on February 15-19, 2017, at the Shanghai International Convention Center, China
Tanwandee T, Chatsiricharoenkul S, Thongsawat S, Sukeepaisarnjaroen W, Tangkijvanich P, Komolmit P, Avihingsanon A, Piratvisuth T,…