Laboratory Office:
7th Floors, Aor Por Ror Building, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, THAILAND
Tel: +66 (0) 2256 4648, +66 (0) 2251 1381
Fax: +66 (0) 2251 1380
The HIV-NAT Research Laboratory’s mission is to provide high quality service to our patients in a timely manner to assure accurate data as well as preserve the integrity and safety of all participants involved in our studies, including collaborative sites. The laboratory functions as a central laboratory for multi-centre studies and a large number of national and international pharmaceutical clinical trials. Even though the laboratory has the appropriate number of staff, equipments, specimen repository facilities and infrastructure, yet we continue to strengthen the capacities of all aspects of the laboratory services. As HIV is ever evoling, thus we want to be able to keep up with it so we are constantly updating our services.
2020 Summary
HIV-NAT Research Laboratory is the College of American Pathologists (CAP) accredited and The Division of AIDS (DAIDS), National Institute of Health (NIH), USA, approved laboratory. Our laboratory is extraordinary strong in 2020 while the world faces Covid 19 pandemic. We continue to provide clinical research laboratory services to the Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre (site #31802) participating in the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG), HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) and the International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials (IMPACCT; Pediatric network). Moreover, we have allocated several staff to help in bio-banking, process and store Covid 19 specimens at the Chulalongkorn University Hospital. HIV-NAT Research Laboratory has expanded our capacity to perform both molecular and serology tests to detect Covid-19 so physicians can provide treatment. We work with various international collaborators and Chula Covid-19 vaccine phase I/II clinical trials. The laboratory manager helps to facilitate laboratory network to support this important vaccine trial.
This year, HIV-NAT Research Laboratory has partnered with Foundation for Innovative and New Diagnostics (FIND), Geneva, Switzerland. We have evaluated various point of care assays such as HCV RNA, Fuji LAM test for TB and Visitect CD4 test. Working with FIND, we also conducted a perception qualitative study on Hepatitis C self-test. We have several strategic studies that will provide guidance to policy makers in ending hepatitis and TB.
For year 2020, HIV-NAT research laboratory continues to adhere to CAP, GCLP and DAIDS standards. HIV-NAT Research Laboratory continues to have strong support from all of its investigators during the lockdown period. We maintained all of the laboratory standards and adjusted our operative management of the lab during the Covid-19 pandemic. The services we provided to everyone is still of high quality.