International Community
- AIDSmap
- British HIV Association
- CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR)
- Clinical Care Options (CCO) HIV
- DHHS Drug Database
- DHHS Guidelines
- HIV and Hepatitis
- HIV Databases Los Alamos National Laboratory
- HIV Drug Interactions University of Liverpool
- HIV Medicine
- International AIDS Society (IAS) USA
- John Hopkins HIV Guide
- Medscape HIV/AIDS
- Stanford University Drug Resistance Database
- World Health Organization (WHO)
Local Community
- The Poz Home Center Foundation
- Thai Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS
- Foundation For AIDS Rights
- Health Information System Development Office
- National Health Security Office
- Thai National AIDS Foundation
- Thai AIDS Treatment Action Group
- Path2health
- Sapaan: Alternative Media for SOGI Right
- Foundation For Women
- AIDS Access Foundation
- Thai Health Promotion Foundation
- Blessing Ubonrachathani Foundation
- Piman Center
- Bureau of AIDS, TB and STIs Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health
- Bangkok Rainbow
- Medicine Sans Frontieres
- Rainbow Sky Association of Thailand
- Thai NGO Coalition on AIDS
- Women’s Health Advocacy Foundation
- Empower Foundation
- Foundation For Consumers
- Thai NGO