18th European AIDS Conference held on October 27-30, 2021 at London, United Kingdom

Stellbrink H, DeJesus E, Segal-Maurer S, Castagna A, Avihingsanon A, Arevalo JLB, Castelli F, Antinori A, Yazdanpanah Y, Ronot-Bregigeon S, Wang H, Margot N, Dvory-Sobol H, Rhee M, Baeten JM, Molina J. Subgroups efficacy analyses of long-acting subcutaneous lenacapavir in phase 2/3 in heavily treatment-experienced people with HIV (CAPELLA study) (AS-EACS-20221-00434) (oral presentation) https://www.natap.org/2021/EACS/EACS_26.htm