- Avihingsanon A, Gatechumpol S, Suwanpimolkul G, Kawkitinarong K, Sophonphan J, Phonphithak S, Ubolyam S , Kerr S, Han WM, Ruxrungtham K and the HIV-NAT 006 study team. Incidence and predictors of active tuberculosis among HIV-infected adults receiving long term antiretroviral therapy in Thailand. Poster # TUPEB155
- Han WM, Ubolyam S, Apornpong T, Kerr SJ, Hansasuta P, Gatechompol S, Maekanantawat W, Ruxrungtham K, Phanuphak P, Ananworanich J, Avihingsanon A. Determinants of Sub-optimal Immune Response After Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation in HIV-1 Infection. Poster # MOPEB115
- Ubolyam S, Jaimulwong T, Apornpong T, Avihingsanon A, Suwanpimolkul G, Kawkittinarong K, Gatechompol S, Ananworanich J, Ruxrungtham K, Kelleher A and Cooper DA. Identification of biomarkers to predict disease progression at time of TB diagnosis. Poster # TUPEB161
- Mugglin C, Coffie P, Dabis F, Kuniholm M, Easterbrook P, Ross J, Avihingsanon A, McGowan C, Yotebieng M, Anastos K, Urassa M, Duda S, Davies MA, Egger M , Wandeler G, IeDEA Collaboration. Assessment of risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma in HIV care and treatment programs across 31 countries: A cross-sectional survey. Poster # MOAB0204
- Wansom T, Pinyakorn S, Sacdalan C, Kolsteeg C, Kroon E, Ubolyam S, Prueksakaew P, Isatan J , Chomchey N , Phanupak P, Robb ML, Ananworanich J, Phanupak N, Colby DJ, SEARCH 010/ RV 254 Study Group. Crystal methamphetamine and group sex fuel an explosive epidemic of hepatitis C among Thai MSM with HIV. Poster # MOPDB0103
- Wang XQ, Horsburgh B, Fisher K, Zerbato J, Audsley J, Avihingsanon A, Rhodes A, Stout J, Lewin S, Palmer S. Immune activation markers associated with levels and diversity of intact HIV proviruses during HIV-HBV co-infection. Poster # MOPEA086
- Audsley J, Littlejohn M, Bowden S, Matthews G, Fairley CK, Avihingsanon A, Lewin S, Sasadeusz J. Continued virological benefits but stabilised HBsAg loss after 8 years of tenofovir-inclusive ART regimens in HIV-HBV co-infection. Poster # TUPEB169