- SapsirisavatV, Avihingsanon A, Trachunthong D, Kerr S, Jantarapakde J, Pengnonyang S, Jitjang S, Janamnuaysook R, Mingkwanrungrueng P, OhataJ, Sohn A, Katz A, Phanuphak N. Extremely low hepatitis C antibody prevalence among high-risk, HIV-positive and HIV-negative men who have sex with men and transgender women from community-based organizations in Thailand.
- Rojanawiwat A,Samleerat T, Thaisri H,Lolekha R, Puthanakit T,Kosalaraksa P,Petdachai W,Borkird T,Hansudewechakul R,Puangthaptim W,Boonsuk S,Ongwandee S on behalf of the ACC working group. Implementation of dried blood spot HIV DNA PCR testing at birth among infants born to HIV-infected mothers in Thailand.
- Puthanakit T,Kosalaraksa P, Petdachai W, Hansudewechakul R, Borkird T, Lolekha R, Thaisri H,Samleerat T, Boonsuk S, Ongwandee S on behalf of the ACC working group. Treatment cascade of HIV-infected infants in the Thailand National Program: How close are we to the 90-90-90 target? (poster)
- Anand T, Nitpolprasert C, Phanuphak P, Jantarapakde J, Keeratikongsakul J, Promthong S, Kerr SJ, Muessig KE, Hightow-Weidman LB, Ananworanich J, Phanuphak N. Creating an online HIV prevention and treatment cascade using the Adam’s love electronic health record system.