Tara Award 2012

The Children and Youth Program of the Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre was bestowed ‘Tara Award’ from Sathien Dhamma Sathan on 31 October 2012. The Tara Award was given to 999 individuals and organizations that make a positive impact in the society.

The Children and Youth Program is a community outreach program under the auspices of the Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre (TRC-ARC) and conducted by SEARCH and HIV-NAT, which are subunits within the TRC-ARC in Bangkok, Thailand. The Program’s core mission is to provide psychosocial and financial support so that children and their families can live and cope with HIV. The Program carries out assessments of children’s psychosocial problems and provides psychosocial support both at the HIV-NAT clinic and during home visits. It also provides psychosocial training for health care providers involved in the children care network.